「亞太癌症預防組織會議(APOCP General Assembly)」是由亞太癌症預防組織(Asian Pacific Organization for Cancer Prevention)定期籌辦之年會,過去曾於日本名古屋、韓國首爾、泰國曼谷、中國北京、韓國高陽、馬來西亞沙勞越辦理國際會議。第七屆會議將在台灣台北舉行,此次的主題是「整合全球力量預防癌症(Cancer Prevention through Integrated Global Effort)」,歡迎踴躍參與。
地點:中央研究院 人文社會科學館(Humanities and Social Science Building, Academia Sinica)
1. National and International Strategies in Cancer Prevention
2. Public Awareness and Education in Cancer Prevention
3. Cancer Surveillance
4. Life-style and Cancer Prevention
5. Obesity Control and Prevention
6. Nutrition and Cancer Prevention
7. Environmental and Occupational Cancer
8. Genetic and Environmental Interaction
9. Biomarkers and Cancer Prevention
10. Early Detection and Screening
11. Clinical Cancer Research
12. Supportive Cancer Care
13. Translational Cancer Research
14. Health Economic Aspects of Cancer Prevention