2024年公共衛生聯合年會強力徵求論文-【Call for Papers】


2024 Taiwan Public Health Joint Annual Conference

時間:2024年 10月 5 日(六)~10月 6日(日)

Date:October 5 to 6, 2024


Venue:Tzu Chi University (701 Zhongyang Rd., Sec. 3, Hualien 970374, Taiwan)

大會主題:「強化公衛照護網 消弭健康不平等」

Topic:Strengthening Public Health Care Net ∞ Eliminating Health Inequalities 


(1)論文投稿須知(中文版-點我)(Paper Submission Instructions)

(2)投稿範例(中文版-點我)(Submission Example)


(4)線上投稿/online submission


1.「專題討論」:今年第1場75分鐘,第2場90 分鐘,內容與形式由 4~6 位投稿者共同策劃,利用口頭報告方式進行,由其中 1 人擔任主持人。投稿方式請下載「投稿申請表」,填妥後連同專題簡介及論文摘要,以E-mail方式寄至台灣公衛學會秘書處(,並於一個工作日之後以電話確認之,專題討論將進行審查,之後會將審查結果公布於網站中。 


【Paper submission instructions】

  1. Paper topics can be submitted to one of six major themes: Health Policy and Management, Health Education and Behavioral Sciences, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Environmental Health and Occupational Medicine, Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, and Global Health.  Submissions for Global Health category must be in English, and the oral and poster presentations will be conducted in English. 
  2. Contributors can go to the TPHA official website and look for "online submission." Please name files according to guidelines. (file name: paper title - author's name - upload date).
  3. Contributors can specify their preference to present their paper either as an oral presentation or poster presentation. The review committee will make the final decision on the presentation method after the final review.
  4. The oral presentation (including discussion) will last for 15 minutes. The presenters need to set up their posters on the poster board at the venue during the presentation time.
  5. The paper review results will be announced on the TPHA official website before Sep 9.


  1. 海報大小120*90公分(長*寬),張貼時間及方式待後續E-mail通知,海報將有評選獎項,獎金1,000元,得獎人名單之後將公佈於官網。
  2. 近來年會場地及人事費用增加,故今年通過審核之專題討論場次將酌收場地使用費。(收費標準

The size of the poster is 120*90 cm (length*width). There will be a poster competition, and the winners will receive a prize of NT$1,000. The list of winners will be announced on the TPHA official website


【主辦單位】:台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣健                           康保險學會、慈濟大學公共衛生學系、臺北市公共衛生師公會、臺灣公衛學生聯合會




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