演講主題:Prospective surveillance of anti-hyperglycemic agents and risk of acute myocardial infarction
演講人杜勝偉博士 / 美國哈佛大學醫學院副教授
Darren Toh, ScD is an Associate Professor in the Department of Population Medicine at Harvard Medical School and Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute. He is a pharmacist and pharmacoepidemiologist with an interest in comparative safety and effectiveness research of medical products. His research has been focused on 1) assessing the risks and benefits of therapeutics, especially in vulnerable populations such as pregnant women, and 2) developing and applying privacy-preserving analytic methods to conduct such studies in distributed data networks. Darren is currently the CDER Portfolio Lead for the Mini-Sentinel program (www.mini-sentinel.org). He received his doctoral degree in Epidemiology from the Harvard School of Public Health.
演講日期:2015年10月30日(星期五)12:20pm - 1:10pm(12:10開放報到入場)
聯絡人:陳盈融小姐 | (02)3366-8050 | camelliachen@ntu.edu.tw